Michael Harvey

  • John S. Toll Professor of Leadership StudiesSpecial Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives Department of Business Management

Portrait photo of Michael Harvey


Ph.D. Government (1995). Cornell University (Ithaca, NY). Dept. of Government. Major: political theory; minor: American politics. Dissertation: “Power and Passion: A Study of Hamlet and Machiavelli.”

M.S. International Business (1998). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. School of Business Administration. Coursework: strategy, marketing, organizational behavior; business law and economics.

M.A. Government (1990). Cornell University. Dept. of Government. Coursework: political theory, American politics, international relations, comparative politics.

B.A. English (1982). University of Maryland (College Park, MD). Minor: political science.

Research Spotlight

The heart of Leadership is the courage to ask hard questions: questions that expose problems and spark change. When you dare to ask, you take the first step to becoming a leader.


Questioning Leadership. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

Editor and contributor. Dead Precedents: Donald Trump in Historical Perspective. Routledge/Taylor & Francis. 2022.

The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing. 3rd edition. Hackett Publishing. 2020 (2003, 2013).

Nyasha Guramatunhu Cooper, L.J. McElravy, Sadhana Hall, and Michael Harvey. 2019. “Exploring Multiple Contexts and Shared Perspectives of Leadership Educators.” New Directions for Student Leadership. Vol. 164: Becoming and Being a Leadership Educator. Wiley. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/23733357.

Co-editor with Dan Jenkins of symposium special issue on leadership education across disciplines. Journal of Leadership Studies 7:4 (2014).

Leadership Studies: The Dialogue of Disciplines. Co-editor with Ron Riggio. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011. Finalist, University of San Diego Outstanding Leadership Book Award.

Editor-in-chief. Leadership and the Humanities, peer-reviewed journal published by Edward Elgar and the International Leadership Association. January 2015 to Dec. 2017. Associate editor and co-founder, 2012 through 2014.


FYS 101 Imagining Leadership
BUS 220 Creativity and Innovation in Products and Services
BUS 302 Organizational Behavior
BUS 330 Global Business Experience
BUS 334 Leadership

Fun stuff

I like to run, play tennis and chess, travel, and read.